The Morphology Project

UPDATE: The Morphology Project has now moved to Ochre: Home - Ochre Education

In 2022, three educators and a speech pathologist from Rivergums Primary School, Serpentine Primary School and Fremantle Language Development Centre collaborated on a series of morphology lessons for Grades 3-6.

This project is a bank of explicit, direct instruction style PowerPoint lessons that align with the Reading Science in Schools (RSiS) morphology scope and sequence created by Jasmine Shannon. It is not designed to be used as a spelling program in isolation- it is a complementary resource.

Please read this prior to downloading/using the content

Lesson contributors:

  • Nicole Fitzgerald


    Rivergums Primary School, Perth, Western Australia

  • Sarah Kolevski

    Associate Principal

    Rivergums Primary School, Perth, Western Australia

  • Jasmyn Hall

    Speech Pathologist

    Fremantle Language Development Centre, Perth, Western Australia

  • Stephanie Le Lievre

    Deputy Principal

    Serpentine Primary School, Perth, Western Australia